Explanation LED modules

The LED mo­du­le code can gi­ves you in­for­ma­ti­on about lu­men – lux – beam ang­le
Explanation LED modules
What does it me­an lu­men and lux ??

Lu­men ta­bles up to ten

The ad­op­ted bulbs in our ex­amp­le is an LED and has about 5000 lu­mens.
The LED used in our ex­amp­le is a " sur­face emit­ters ".
Com­mer­ci­al LEDs ha­ve a free ra­dia­ti­on 65 -110 de­grees .
With 65 de­grees co­mes to the ob­ject (in this ca­se the fish ) ap­prox. 5000 lux .
No­ti­ce : If would be the lamps a "point sour­ce" (for ex­amp­le bulb ) then would mea­su­red on the ob­ject on­ly aprox. 398 lux.

Lu­men = Lux
  • when light is not di­rec­ted in a spe­ci­fic di­rec­tion (for ex­amp­le, for­ward), or is di­rec­ted
  • and if not­hing prevents the spre­ad

Has a spe­ci­fied lamp 5000 lu­mens and the light is not fo­cu­sed (e.g. by a re­flec­tor or lens) and not­hing stop the spre­ad (e.g. glass), thus it can be mea­su­red 5000 lux on this lamp at one me­ter dis­tan­ce. Howe­ver, 5000 lux is not en­ough for a di­ve light, es­pe­cial­ly when the sour­ce has 5000 lu­mens.

What prevents the spre­ad and to what extent has this im­pact?

Was verhindert die Ausbreitung und in welchen Maße hat das eine Auswirkung

Lamp (sa­me ex­amp­le as be­fo­re with 5000 lu­mens) il­lu­mi­na­ted through a 10 mm thick glass win­dow.
At the ob­ject (in this ca­se the fish) ar­ri­ves on­ly about 4000 lux at one me­ter dis­tan­ce.
Lu­men not equal Lux !
This re­sults in a loss of about 15 - 20% through the thick pa­ne of glass.
Is the glass in ad­di­ti­on dim or tin­ted, loss is ma­ny ti­mes grea­ter.

All 3 bulbs ha­ve 2000 lu­men ac­cor­ding to the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer!
But they do not get the sa­me light in­ten­si­ty (lux) to the ob­ject
The­re­fo­re, the black light bulb is bright (with its 2000 lu­mens), but un­for­t­u­n­a­te­ly, al­most no light co­mes on the ob­ject fish (on­ly 200 lux)!!


Not on­ly has the glass „de­s­troy­ed" the lu­men ex­pan­si­on, but al­so any me­di­um which is lo­ca­ted bet­ween the light sour­ce and the ob­ject prevent the spre­ad. Rough Gui­de­li­ne: Every me­di­um, which stands in the way of the spre­ad ta­kes ap­pro­xi­mate­ly 10-15% loss with it.

AT­TEN­TI­ON :  Every di­ve light has at least 3-5 me­dia tran­si­ti­ons !
The­re­fo­re : The spe­ci­fied lu­men to the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ba­sed on the built-in LED says ab­so­lu­tely not­hing about how ma­ny lu­mens are ac­tual­ly avail­able!


At the ob­ject (in this ca­se the fish) ar­ri­ves at one me­ter dis­tan­ce about 60 000 lux


Lu­men di­rec­ted in one di­rec­tion = much mo­re lux!

By stee­ring / in a cer­tain di­rec­tion / ang­le much mo­re Lux will be crea­ted on the ob­ject!


  • Lu­men tells us not­hing about how bright my ob­ject is what I il­lu­mi­na­te.
  • Mo­re lu­mens do not me­an that the ob­ject is brigh­ter.
  • On­ly in con­nec­tion with the Lux spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on and ang­le I can see how much light co­mes on what area of my ob­ject.

HINT: Tor­ches should ha­ve about 20,000 to 30,000 Lux, at about 10-15 ° ra­dia­ti­on.

AD­VICE:  Good di­ving lamp ma­nu­fac­tu­rers pro­vi­de about 20,000 to 30,000 lux with 500 lu­mens!
Howe­ver, an­yo­ne who thinks that 3000 lu­mens and mo­re are nee­ded to build a good di­ving lamp and the­se va­lues ​​­can on­ly be achie­ved through ma­ny lu­mens; the one is on the wrong track.
The­re are even ma­nu­fac­tu­rers who in­stall 20,000 lu­mens! BUT: We ha­ve al­re­a­dy lear­ned that 20 000 lu­mens are not equal 20 000 Lux !!!!!! But this is on­ly the ca­se, if I do not in­stall any­thing (li­ke a glass pla­te) in front of the LED, which is de­fi­ni­te­ly not pos­si­ble with tor­ches!

To get right to the point:
Ever­yo­ne is tal­king about lu­men, but it"s not al­ways about mo­re lu­men, but so­le­ly about how lu­men can be con­ver­ted in­to use­ful and usa­ble ang­le lux!
The se­cret of a good di­ve light is the con­ver­si­on of lu­men in lux and the ang­le of ra­dia­ti­on. Not much